Hello! Today I am speaking with Enrique Villasenor of Evill Media Sports and Evill Media. A little background: we have moved within the same media spaces for years, within the sport of CrossFit, and finally worked together this past January 2024. He is a GEM of a human and I am very excited to bring his story to my readers.

So, Enrique, please tell readers a bit about yourself. Where did you grow up?

I grew up in México, in Chihuahua, Mexico and no, the dog is not from there haha.

Ha! Hilarious. Thanks for clearing that up LOL. Did you play sports as a kid?

Yes, I started in sports at the age of 4, playing basketball, and from there I used to go to do gymnastics and some swimming, I was very active because I had a lot of energy, Sports has been a vital part of my life, I was lucky enough to have sports to “pay” for my education, I had scholarships all the way till I finished my master's degree, I played basketball and football at the college level in México.

Where do you live now?

Right now I live in San Antonio, Texas.

Anything else you’d like readers to know about you?

I went to Law School and I did a master's in public administration so content creation was not in the frame when I chose my degrees.

That is interesting! I always love learning the background education that so many sports photographers have. It's wild how many people go to college for something and then end up in a career that has nothing to do with what they studied; myself included! :) How long have you been a photographer? When did you start?

I started in September 2017, when i shot my first [CrossFit] comp with a camera that my wife let me borrow from her dad, 1 camera with 1 lens, so I've been doing it for 6 years and a half and next month ill turn 3 years as a fulltime.

What was your first “pro” camera?

My first “Pro” Camera was a Nikon D750 but before that, i had a Nikon d5600 that was an entry-level camera.

Nikon! Yes! I knew we were Nikon buddies but I wasn't sure if you started with Nikon or not. What camera(s) do you currently shoot with?

I use the Nikon Z6ii, I usually use 2 cameras and both bodies are the same model.

I love those mirrorless camera bodies. I need to buy one. What makes a “professional photographer” in your opinion?

Probably the way you do the work, how you conduct yourself and the way you manage your business, people say that you need to do more than 50% of your income to be a professional but I don't think that, if you behave like a professional, invest in your craft and are always looking for ways to improve your craft I will call that a professional.

What was your first paid photography gig?

Probably a CrossFit competition or shooting the open for a CrossFit gym.

What was one of your favorite events/competitions/games/matches that you shot?

I really love to shoot college football, the atmosphere is amazing, also for me it was really nice when I got to shoot the Mexican team (Capitanes) playing against Austin Spurs in their first season in the NBA G League, and of course my first CrossFit games.

Do you do your own photo editing?

Yes I do my own stunts

Ha ha ha, I love your sense of humor: "I do my own stunts." Ha. Do you like photo editing? Why or why not?

I like editing, I have spent a fair amount of time getting better at editing, and i like to bring to life the images in the way I envisioned.

What photography jobs do you have coming up that you are excited about?

I have CrossFit semifinals coming and I really like it because it's always such a great time getting to hang around with some amazing creators, also I have some shoots with a pharma company and that's very exciting because it's something different for me.

What kinds of non-sports-related photo jobs do you take?

Actually, most of my work is in the hospitality space, I'm the producer for a group that has bars and restaurants in my city and I create all the photos and videos for them, so I shoot food and drinks at least twice a week.

What topic is related to photography in general, or more specifically sports photography, that you are passionate about?

Everything in the sports, for me it was very hard when I played my last season and for me doing this is one way to stay inside the spectrum, I enjoy everything so much.

I agree. I love everything about sports, too, so much.

Who were/are your mentors?

When I started I dropped the ball so hard in my first “PRO” CrossFit competition but I met a lot of amazing people there, Jorge Huerta became a sort of a mentor for sometime helping me understand some things and how to operate. Noe Longoria has always been in my corner and I have learned and still learning a lot of things from him. Torin Simpson has been a great insight into the professional sports community, I feel very

lucky because I'm surrounded by great people that wants to see me grow and get better at my craft.

Aww, I love Torin. He's so great and so supportive. He's a wonderful guy.

What would be an event/competition/game that you would love to shoot someday?

The Olympics.

What sport have you not shot yet that you would love to shoot?


Thank you so much, Enrique, for the interview! Readers, if you want to follow Evill Media online, go to his website here.

Thanks for reading, everyone! Stay tuned for the next interview in one week.

~ Wendy